
The “Add New Report” and “Edit Report” pages include all the options you need to create a report.




Enter a name for your report in the box marked "Enter name here", preferably something brief and descriptive.

Content Type


Select a content type from the dropdown to base the report on.

When you do, a "Narrow..." button will appear which you can use to limit the results of the report further.  For more information about these options, see Use Narrow to Limit Results.

Export Type


Select an export type from this dropdown.

Currently, the only export type available is "CSV".  This stands for "comma-separated values", and will create a text file that is usable in Microsoft Excel and any other spreadsheet program.

In a CSV report, each row of the spreadsheet will be a different post, while each column will be various information about that post (title, date, content, etc.).

Once "CSV" is selected, a new table will appear underneath with the instructions "Select the columns you wish to appear in this CSV."  The table works as follows:

  • Choose what appears in a column by selecting from the "Select Data" dropdown menu.
  • Add more columns by clicking the "Add Rule" button.
  • Delete columns by clicking the "trash" icon.
  • Re-arrange columns by clicking and dragging the "move" icon to the left of the dropdown menu.




Add a description of the report here. This is entirely optional, but can be useful for adding notes about the purpose of this report.

System Name

Modify the system name here.  Also referred to as the slug, the system name is the lowercase “URL friendly” version of the name of the report.  It will be generated automatically based on the report title.  You can choose an alternate system name if you like, but it cannot be modified again once the new report has been saved.


Click the small red “Delete” link to delete the current report, or the large blue “Save” button to save or update the report.

Note: there is no “trash” for deleted reports.  When you click delete, you will be asked if you are sure.  Immediately after deleting, there will be a link to undo the deletion.  After these two chances, however, the report will be deleted permanently.