After a taxonomy is created, it will appear in two places of note in the dashboard:

  • The submenu for each content type it is assigned to, where you can manage the taxonomy's terms
  • The add/edit page for that content type, where you can add or remove terms to entries

Managing Taxonomy Terms

If you click on the taxonomy in the submenu, you will be taken to a screen where you can add, edit, or delete terms in that taxonomy.  This screen will behave identically to the default Posts > Categories and Posts > Tags screens. See this page in the WordPress Codex for in-depth documentation on these screens.

Adding & Removing Taxonomy Terms to Posts

When adding or editing an entry to a content type assigned to this taxonomy, you will be able to add or remove this taxonomy's terms for that entry.  (For example, adding or removing categories on an individual post.) If the taxonomy has been added as a field, it will appear in its field group and displayed as specified (as a dropdown, checklist, or radio button list).  Otherwise, it will appear in its own box in the right sidebar as a checklist.  New terms can be added from this box directly.